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Guzhikov A.Yu., Aleksandrova G.N., Baraboshkin E.Yu. (2020) New Sedimentological, Magnetostratigraphic, and Palynological Data on the Upper Cretaceous Alan-Kyr Section (Central Crimea) // Moscow University Geology Bulletin. Vol. 75. No. 1. Pp. 20–30.
The results of sedimentological, palynological, and paleomagnetic studies of the Upper Cretaceous Alan-Kyr section (Central Crimea) are presented. The rock nomenclature is characterized and a deep-water genesis is determined. Based on the palynological data, the sediments are estimated as Lower Campanian and, partially, Upper Campanian (under two-part subdivision of the stage); palynomorphs are not found in the lower and upper parts of the section. A reverse polarity magnetozone distinguished in the lower part of the section is a probable analog of the C33r magnetic chron, whose base, according to the recommendations of Wolfring et al. (2018), should be used as a primary attribute to determine the lower boundary of the Cam-panian stage in the section. The obtained age data demonstrate significant differences relative to the dates inferred earlier from microfaunal data (Bragina et al., 2016). | Статья на русском языке