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В раздел «Библиотека» добавлены ссылки на статьи, предоставленные В.В. Аркадьевым:
- Gaona-Narvaez T., Maurrasse F.J.-M.R., Moreno-Bedmar J.A. (2013) Stable carbon-isotope stratigraphy and ammonite biochronology at Madotz, Navarra, northern Spain: Implications for the timing and duration of oxygen depletion during OAE-1a // Cretaceous Research 40, pp. 143-157
- Főzy I, Meléndez G, Scherzinger A, Szinger B, Szives O. (2013) Upper Jurassic–lowermost Cretaceous fossil localities of the Gerecse and Pilis Mountains (rocks, fossils and stratigraphy) // Szeged: GeoLitera, pp. 21-93.
- Szives O., Főzy I. (2013) Systematic descriptions of Early Cretaceous ammonites of the carbonate formations of the Gerecse Mountains (Hungary) // Szeged: GeoLitera, pp. 293-342.
- González-León O., Anton Moreno-Bedmar J., Vega F.J. (2014) Morphology and ontogeny of the fossil lobster Meyeria magna M'Coy, 1849 (Astacidae, Mecochiridae) from the Lower Cretaceous (Lower Aptian) of Mexico, United Kingdom and Spain // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. 271/1, p. 49-68
- González-Arreola C., Barragán R., Moreno-Bedmar J.A. (2014) Olcostephanidae (Ammonoidea) from the upper Valanginian Taraises Formation (Durango State, Mexico) // Cretaceous Research 49, pp. 55-62
- Farouk S., Marzouk A.M., Ahmad F. (2014) The Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary in Jordan // Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 94, pp. 113–125