Добавлены статьи
В раздел «Библиотека» добавлены ссылки на статьи, предоставленные В.В. Аркадьевым:
- Desai B.G. (2012) Trace fossils from the Kaladongar Formation exposed in Kuar Bet, Patcham Island, Kachchh Basin, India // Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India. Volume, 57(1), June 2012: 53-59.
- Desai B.G. (2013) Ichnological Analysis of Transgressive Marine Tongue in Prograding Deltaic System: Evidences from Ukra Hill Member, Western Kachchh, India // Journal Geological Society of India. Vol.82, August 2013, pp.143-152.
- Desai B.G., Dutt Saklani R. (2014) Ichnofabric analysis of the Tithonian shallow marine sediments (Bhadasar Formation) Jaisalmer Basin, India // Journal of Earth System Science. Volume 123, Issue 6, pp 1413-1431.
- Aguirre-Urreta B., Lescano M., Schmitz M.D., Tunik M., Concheyro A., Rawson P.F., Ramos V.A. (2015) Filling the gap: new precise Early Cretaceous radioisotopic ages from the Andes // Geol. Mag. 152 (3), pp. 557-564.