Добавлены статьи

В раздел «Библиотека» добавлены ссылки на статьи, предоставленные В.В. Аркадьевым:

- Petrova S., Ivanova D., Nikolov N., Koleva-Rekalova E., Lakova I. (2014) Microfossil record and facies transitions of Oxfordian to Berriasian carbonates in the Western Srednogorie, Bulgaria // Bul. Shk. Gjeol. 2/2014 - Special Issue Proceedings of XX CBGA Congress, Tirana, Albania, 24-26 September. Pp. 79-80.

- Grabowski J., Sobień K. (2015) Variation in clastic input in the Berriasian of the Lower Sub-Tatric (Krížna) succession in the Tatra Mountains (Central Western Carpathians, Poland): data from magnetic susceptibility and inorganic geochemistry // Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae. Vol. 85: 139–150.

- Ivanova D., Lakova I., Pavlishina P., Koleva-Rekalova E. (2002) Joint biostratigraphy and lithofacies of Berriasian and Valanginian limestones from subsurface sections in NE Bulgaria // Geologica Balcanica, 32.2-4, Sofia, Decemb. Pp. 63-67.

- Lakova I., Stoykova K., Ivanova D. (1997) Tithonian to Valanginian bioevents and integrated zonation on calpionellids, calcareous nannofossils and calcareous dinocysts from the Western Balcanides, Bulgaria // Mineralia Slovaca, 29. 301 – 303.

- Petrova S., Lakova I., Ivanova D. (2011) Berriasian–Valanginian boundary in Bulgaria // Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, vol. 72, part 1–3. Pp. 91–97.

- Grabowski J., Idakieva V., Ivanova D., Ivanov M., Lakova I., Petrova S., Schnab P., Sobień K., Stoykova K., Tchoumatchenco P. (2015) Integrated bio-, magnetostratigraphy and magnetic susceptibility of Upper Berriasian hemipelagic carbonates in the West Balkan Mts // 7th BgGS National Conference With International Participation "GEOPHYSICS 2015". Pp. 1-6.