Integrated stratigraphy of the Campanian–Maastrichtian

Это - аналог "Живого реферативного журнала", функционирующего на сайте c 2007 года. Раздел создан для размещения информации по самым свежим меловым публикациям, как правило - с гиперссылками на их полнотекстовые версии

Integrated stratigraphy of the Campanian–Maastrichtian

Сообщение mhorn » 05 янв 2013, 20:17

Integrated stratigraphy of the Campanian–Maastrichtian boundary succession of the Middle Vistula (central Poland) section - спецвыпуск Acta Geologica Polonica:

включает следующие статьи:
Walaszczyk I. Integrated stratigraphy of the Campanian–Maastrichtian boundary succession of the Middle Vistula River (central Poland) section; introduction, p. 485-493

Remin Z. The Belemnella stratigraphy of the Campanian– Maastrichtian boundary; a new methodological and taxonomic approach, p. 495-533.

Keutgen N., Remin Z., Walaszczyk I. (2012) Early representatives of the belemnite genus Belemnella (Cephalopoda) from the uppermost Campanian–Lower Maastrichtian of the Middle Vistula River section, central Poland, p. 535-559

Swierczewska-Gladysz E. Hexactinellid sponge assemblages across the Campanian– Maastrichtian boundary in the Middle Vistula River section, central Poland, p.561-580

Walaszczyk I., Lees J., Peryt D., Cobban W. A., Wood C. J. Testing the congruence of the macrofossil versus microfossil record in the Turonian–Coniacian boundary succession of the Wagon Mound–Springer composite section (NE New Mexico, USA), p. 581–594

Niebuhr B., Richardt N., Wilmsen M. Facies and integrated stratigraphy of the Upper Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) Großberg Formation south of Regensburg (Bavaria, southern Germany), p. 595–615

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