Robaszynski et al. (2022) La limite santonien-campanien

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Robaszynski et al. (2022) La limite santonien-campanien

Сообщение mhorn » 19 ноя 2023, 21:21

Robaszynski F., Delugeard D., Matrion B. (2022) La limite santonien-campanien dans les craies de Cherisy (Eure-et-Loir) : macrofaunes et foraminifères marqueurs, corrélations dans le bassin anglo-parisien // Ann. Soc. Géol. Nord, T. 29 (2e série), p. 85-120. DOI : 10.54563/asgn.1920

The Cherisy quarry (Eure-et-Loir) exposed 35 m of white chalks with flints. In the 1990’ numerous macrofossils were collected (D.D.) from which a lot of markers of the Santonian-Campanian boundary as Micraster coranguinum, Uintacrinus socialis, Marsupites testudinarius, Offaster pillula, Gonioteuthis cf. granulataquadrata, species here illustrated. A sampling for micropaleontological purposes gave numerous benthic foraminifera from which markers in the genera Stensioeina, Gavelinella and Bolivinoides that could be calibrated with macrofaunas. Macro-and micropaleontological aspects are presented and discussed with a focus on Marsupites. A correlation is proposed with the chalk cliffs at Seaford Head, Sussex (U.K.).
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