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Fensome et al., 2016 Cretaceous and Cenozoic dinoflagellate

СообщениеДобавлено: 17 янв 2017, 18:26
Fensome R.A., Nøhr-Hansen H., Williams G.L. (2016) ​​Cretaceous and Cenozoic dinoflagellate cysts and other palynomorphs from the western and eastern margins of the Labrador–Baffin Seaway​ // ​Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin 36​​​​​​​​​​​. 143 pp.

ссылки на пдфы:
сама работа - http://www.geus.dk/DK/publications/geol ... p1-143.pdf
фиг. 5 - http://www.geus.dk/DK/publications/geol ... tin_36.pdf
фиг. 6 - http://www.geus.dk/DK/publications/geol ... tin_36.pdf