Acta Geologica Polonica - vol. 1/2017

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Acta Geologica Polonica - vol. 1/2017

Сообщение mhorn » 06 апр 2017, 16:40

Acta Geologica Polonica Vol 67, No 1 (2017)
William Aubrey "Bill" Cobban Memorial Volume Part 2

Table of Contents

William Aubrey “Bill” Cobban (1916-2015)
Stephen C. Hook, William J. Kennedy, Cindy Smith, Dan Grenard
Acta Geologica Polonica Vol 67, No 1 (2017) I-XI

Mecaster batnensis (Coquand, 1862), a late Cenomanian echinoid from New Mexico, with a compilation of Late Cretaceous echinoid records in the Western Interior of the United States and Canada
Stephen C. Hook, William A. Cobban
Acta Geologica Polonica Vol 67, No 1 (2017) 1-30

Mosasauroid predation on an ammonite – Pseudaspidoceras – from the Early Turonian of south-eastern Morocco
Andrew S Gale, William J Kennedy, David Martill
Acta Geologica Polonica Vol 67, No 1 (2017) 31-46

High-resolution Campanian–Maastrichtian carbon and oxygen stable isotopes of bulk-rock and skeletal components: palaeoceanographic and palaeoenvironmental implications for the Boreal shelf sea
Markus Wilmsen, Birgit Niebuhr
Acta Geologica Polonica Vol 67, No 1 (2017) 47-74

Trans-Tethyan correlation of the Lower–Middle Cenomanian boundary interval; southern England (Southerham, near Lewes, Sussex) and Douar el Khiana, northeastern Algeria
William J Kennedy, Andrew S Gale
Acta Geologica Polonica Vol 67, No 1 (2017) 75-108

Description of the lower jaws of Baculites from the Upper Cretaceous U.S. Western Interior
Neal L Larson, Neil H Landman
Acta Geologica Polonica Vol 67, No 1 (2017) 109-120

Coilopoceras inflatum Cobban and Hook, 1980, a United States Western Interior ammonite from the Upper Turonian of the southern Corbières, Aude, France
Patrice Melchior, Michel Bilotte, William J. Kennedy
Acta Geologica Polonica Vol 67, No 1 (2017) 121-134

Facies changes in the Cenomanian (Cretaceous) of the northwestern Elbe Valley near Dresden (Saxony, Germany)
Karl-Armin Tröger
Acta Geologica Polonica Vol 67, No 1 (2017) 135-144

The Upper Campanian – lower Maastrichtian cephalopod fauna of Botellos, Nuevo León: a key to understand faunal turnover across the Campanian–Maastrichtian boundary in NE Mexico
Christina Ifrim, Jacobo Edgar Lara de la Cerda, Victor Hugo Peña Ponce, Wolfgand Stinnesbeck
Acta Geologica Polonica Vol 67, No 1 (2017) 145-162
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